I am really upset this morning. Had to go to the dentist at 8 am. Not my idea of fun exactly.
But that is not the resaon why I am upset. In fact, my dentist is a really nice guy. He does a super job. It's mostly the concept I don't like. And memories of some childhood trauma - an experience with a really bad dentist I had when I was five years old.
No worries. My teeth are fine. Everything went really well, except for the wait. As I was sitting there waiting for the dreaded check-up to start I happened to check my Facebook stream. First thing I notice is a horrible racist joke that one of my FB friends posted. I don't want to repeat it. It's one of those Obama jokes that people who are not happy with the political landscape like to indulge in these days.
What the heck? I don't know what to say. Don't want to loose this old friend. I have known for the longest time that our political views don't match, to say the least. I do believe that we all have a right to our opinion, whether it's in politics or religion. I say let people live and do their thing. But where do you draw the line? How do you tell someone that you care for and love that this is wrong? I definitely don't want to say it in public. But here is this nasty post staring back at me - part of my Facebook "stream of consciousness", and I don't know how to respond. Do you just let it go when you see such things?
This goes right with what we are trying to teach our children these days. The other night we watched the movie "Little Big Man". I took a photo of the cover that has a summary, in case you haven't seen this movie. It's a great movie to teach kids about American history and about racism.
I look at my friend's post this morning, and I wanted to cry. But I couldn't since I was in the dentist's chair.
Have we learned nothing? Racism is very much alive and kicking. If you don't believe me watch that movie with your kids and then watch the news. And then think really hard about what you post on Facebook every day.
Growing up in a place where genocide happened on a large scale I cannot put up with this type of humor. I am sure there were lots of jokes about Jews circulating during the Nazi era. I wonder if people had stood up against it things would have turned out differently.
Where do you draw the line?
I hate that there is still racism, homophobia etc in the USA and the world.
Thanks so much for comenting, Bridget!
I first delete the post...especially if it is on MY wall...then I message them...and ask them not to please post negative comments about politics, homosexuals, race, and the mentally ill...I have blocked people who continue afyer that...especially on my wall...even family members...there are other means for them to contact me and it doesn't have to be on my public page. You are a good person.
Correction: it appeared in my stream - NOT my wall. Still, it was the first thing I looked at on my phone yesterday morning. Maybe I should stop checking Facebook and bring books to the doctor's office...
You are, of course, right to be upset. If this had happened to me I would have messaged the person and politely informed them that I understand and respect our differing political views, but that that kind of humor is deeply disturbing to me. I would say that it is corrosive to humanity. If nothing else it would give your friend pause to reconsider sharing such filth on an open forum, and perhaps consider the greater consequences of that kind of humor. No, wait. I would not message the person. I would invite the person over for tea, and say I've got something on my mind that I want to talk to you about. Then, in your physical presence, your friend has a better chance of actually listening to what you say instead of rejecting your message in a defensive and dismissive manner.
I guess what I found even worse about the whole incident is that a number of people liked the joke. One the folks liking it was the new minister of youth and family ministries hired at our church. Really? I don't think I want her teaching my kids if she doesn't see a problem with this joke...
Oh. Yuck. How disappointing. My default setting with conflict is to withdraw, but I think in this case it may be that you are being called to leadership? Or at least a conversation with church leadership? Racism is rampant in America, I know certainly where I live, too. This makes me want to make a statement in my own community. Racism should not be socially acceptable!
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