Finally! Here is the recipe for the German Plum cake. For those of you who speak German or the ones would like to learn the language, I wrote it up in both languages. I wrote the German version first, so you may take guesses at what those funny words might mean?
- 375 g Mehl
- 75 g Zucker
- 1 Paeckchen Vanillezucker
- 2 1/4 Teeloeffel Trockenhefe
- 1 Prise Salz
- 1 Ei
- 200 ml Milch
- 100 g Butter
- 2-3 kg Pflaumen
Mische die trockenen Zutaten: Mehl, Zucker, Vanillezucker,Hefe, Salz. Erhitze die Milch mit der Butter. Kannst Du im Topf auf dem Herd oder in der Microwelle machen. Pass auf das die Milch nicht zu heiss wird, sonst geht die Hefe kaputt! Gib das Ei und die Milch mit der fluessigen Butter zu den trockenen Zutaten. Mische alle Zutaten mit dem Kochloeffel oder einer Maschine mit Knethaken bis ein Teig entsteht. Sollte er zu klebrig sein muss man noch mehr Mehl dazugeben. Mit den Haenden kneten bis er weich und geschmeidig ist.
Decke den Teig mit einem Handtuch ab, und lass ihn gehen bis er sich sichtbar vergroessert hat! Teig ausrollen und auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen. Man kann auch mehrere runde Formen verwenden. Beim ersten Backen habe ich ein amerikanisches Backblech verwendet. Beim zweiten Versuch waren es zwei runde Springformen, plus drei kleine Foermchen. Die Kinder finde diese Minikuchen super! Den Teig mit den entsteinten Pflaumen belegen. Die Pflaumen werden beim Entsteinen halbiert und dann in ein schuppenfoermiges Muster geschnitten. Dann legt man sie in dichten Reihen auf den ausgerollten Teig. Wenn der Teig komplett belegt ist bei 200 Grad Celcius 20-25 Minuten im vorgeheizten Backofen backen!
Serviere mit Zucker bestreut und Schlagsahne wenn Du sie magst!
Falls Du die Schlacht mit den Eichhoernchen dieses Jahr verloren hast, kannst du den Kuchen auch mit Aepfeln backen. =)
How did it go? Did you take some good guesses? Think you can follow the German recipe? If not here is the English version:Maybe you noticed that Germans use grams rather than cups in baking! (see scales in the first picture!) Using weight measurements rather than volume measurements leads to more precise measuring. Also, take note of the different temperatures. Germans use Celcius rather than Fahrenheit. Since my math is not the greatest my husband had to print me up a conversion table and tape it to the refrigerator when I first moved here.
- 375g flour
- 75 g sugar
- Vanilla in liquid form since it's not sold in little packages like in Germany...1 tsp will do
- 2 1/4 tsp dry yeast
- pinch of salt
- 1 egg
- 200 ml of milk
- 100g butter (a stick is fine)
- 2-3 kg of Italian prunes or small plums
Mix dry ingredients together. Add the stick of butter to the milk and put it in the microwave for about a minute or two. You can also melt the butter in the milk on the stove top. Be careful and don't burn the milk! It should just be warm enough to melt the butter gently. If the mixture is too hot it will destroy the yeast when added to the dry ingredients...Add the egg, the milk, butter, and vanilla to the flour mixture. Knead everything together. This can be done by hand or with a machine using kneading hooks.
Put dough in a bowl and cover with towel. Let it sit until it has visibly enlarged in size! About an hour or so.
Roll out dough and place it on greased baking sheet or several smaller springforms. I used two large round springforms and 3 little tart pans. The kids really love the minicakes!
Arrange the plums closely together in rows or a circular pattern. Press into the dough lightly arranging them in a fish scale pattern. Plums must be cut halfway through and taking the pit out. Then you add too smaller slashes to flatten the plums out.
When the dough is completely covered with a dense layer of plums bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 to 25 minutes. Once the edges turn brown it's probably done!
Serve sprinkled with sugar or a spoonful of whipped cream on top!
If you lost the battle against the squirrels this year, and they got all your plums, you can also use sliced apples for this recipe! =)
Thank You! We have lots of plums this year.
Oh wow that looks good.
It's really yummy! And with I love it with the apple topping, too!
Lucky, Knecht Ruprecht! I have plum envy in a bad way!
Hi Ulla, looks yummy... I haven't made one yet this year, but I just want to add that it is also very good to sprinkle a little cinnamon on it... or to sprinkle a little cinnamon and sugar on the still warm cake and to eat it immediately. I f one can afford to, have it with freshly whipped cream (no can....)
Greetings, Britta
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