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Saturday, December 23, 2017

Hug a Friend

You leave the blog for just a couple of months and come back to find SPAM gallore. Ugh! Don't you hate it when people do that. Well, it's all cleaned up.

I suppose I should not have left my blog dormant for so long. What can I say? I just don't have to say much these days. Still teaching. Still trying to make some Waldorf dolls and sell them on Etsy. It's getting harder and harder though. My heart is sad because Etsy sales have been terrible this year. In fact, it's been my worst year ever. I am feeling quite discouraged at the moment.

2017 has not been good to me. Not only in terms of my little business. I am feeling quite depressed at the moment.

Why? A long time friend - 15+ years, godfather of my children, committed suicide on Wednesday December 13th. Despite the fact that he had been struggling with depression for many year, it still came as quite a shock to us. I can't help but feel that I am somehow guilty. We had not seen each other in quite a while - since our oldest boys both went off to college this summer. How did that happen? How is it that in this age of instant messaging, FB, Twitter, Facetime, we get so out of touch with people?

Call a friend today and tell them that you love them. Stay in touch - I mean really physically, go see your friend to make sure they are okay. And if your are reading this send some kind thoughts and healing prayers to my friend Kenny and his family.


Justunearthed said...

etsy ist ganz furchtbar im Moment. Alles nur noch billiger, mehr, schneller und so viel Billigschrott.Das Suchsystem ist eine Katastrophe und die Forenkönige haben zum Teil eine so große Klappe, daß es nicht zum Aushalten ist. ( von wegen, better SEO, change your items, blah, blah) Leicht gesagt, wenn man postkarten oder Prints anbietet :)
Trotzdem: verlier nicht den Mut und alles Liebe für die Zukunft.

Und jetzt wünsch ich dir ein friedvolles Fest mit Deiner Familie.

LG aus Bayern

letthjertet said...

So sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace and joy in the New Year.

germandolls said...

Hallo Bettina, danke fuer die nette Message. Da hast Du wirklich Recht. Ich hoffe es wird bald wieder besser. Ich habe es auch mal wieder bei eBay versucht, aber da ist auch nicht viel los. Wir muessen uns weiter durchwurschteln...
LG zurueck

germandolls said...

letthjertet,thanks for your kind message. It is much appreciated! Happy New Year to you, too!