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Friday, May 29, 2015

Hello, Summer!

May has been a crazy month for me. What is a Waldorf doll? Hmm, I forgot. The doll shop with sweet handmade dolls has been pretty much abandoned this month... Poor babies!

I could have spent every single day at school helping out as a substitute teacher. I ended up working around 15 days total. It has been a total eye-opener and makes you appreciate teachers so much more. Frankly, I don't know how folks do it when both spouses have a job? Who cooks dinner, does the laundry, picks up the house? In our household it appears that DH didn't mind the cooking part. He cooked us many a delicous dinner when I came home.

But laundry? Not much help there. Is it true that I am making a huge mistake by still doing my teenagers' laundry? At least that's what I am being told by the office staff at school. I suppose my thinking is: Soon enough they will move out and leave for college, and I will miss them so much. I may even miss those mountains of laundry... Sniff!

But for now summer is on, and we will enjoy every moment of it. Yesterday we went out and bought a board game to enjoy as a family. Who still plays board games? There must be folks since there is a thriving business in our otherwise dead downtown neighborhood, selling mostly boardgames and other nerdy items. Have you ever played Settlers of Catan? I have always wanted to since I heard a lot of good things about that game - AND how could one go wrong with a game MADE IN GERMANY?

We were finally able to turn our garden plots after the torrential rains stopped here. All of May was pretty much a muddy mess in these parts. But how can one complain? I, for one, love the rain. One rarely meets like minded people in this town. They are all miserable and grumpy while I happily skip over puddles. I think to myself, you just wait. Once the thermometer hits 100 you will think back and wish for a cloudy grey sky.

Dolls? What are dolls? I have not had time to make any. I did take some photos of little Wilhelmina over here though. We agreed that she looks super cute in her patriotic outfit. I had to take the photos indoors. Once the ground dries up we will have to have a photo shoot outside...

Have a good summer or HAGS - as the kids write into yearbooks. Definitely an acronym I had never come across until I had kids in school in the US. Here I was thinking they were talking about old ladies. What about old ladies? Do you know how to say old lady in German? Alte Schachtel would be the equivalent. Well, take care and HAGS to you!

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