So hubby returned safely from his trip, and we are all very glad for it. It's been quite a week over here. Can you believe it: we had an actual earthquake in Greeley, Colorado? Funny thing was, I was so tired from chauffeuring the kids around all week it barely registered on my scale. Haha.
It happened Saturday night. I fell in bed exhausted right around 8:30 pm. Then there was this loud BOOM. It knocked me out of bed. I thought it was loud thunder or that a tree had fallen on the house. I made it to the kitchen and called out my son's name. He was sleeping like a rock. I looked at the clock on the stove 9:35 pm. then wandered back up to the bedroom. I was just too tired to figure out where the noise came from.
Funny, next morning my husband called from Germany asking if we were okay and what about that
earthquake. Me: Oh, that's what that noise was...
Now they say we get about 900 K of them in this area each year. They are just so small people never notice. Still, it does make one wonder if the fracking going on all around us could have something to
do with this "bigger" earthquake.
Some people blame the quake on the recent flooding and shifting of masses of water in Colorado. Here is a picture of the latest flood.
The tan building, by the way, back behind the DIP sign is the UPS main shipping/storage center of our town. Wowser! Glad I don't have any package coming in via UPS at the moment... |
Maya and the little babes say: Please, stop the fracking all around us! It is kind of freaking us out right now. |
On the bright site: Yay, we survived a whole week without dad and we survived a "freakin" earthquake.
And then there is more good news: I got an invitation from a Waldorf school in India to teach dollmaking. I am very flattered and excited about this. Hope I will somehow be able to get the funds together to do this...