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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thank You!

I hereby want to thank all the dear people who have supported me during my illness and sent me emails, messages through facebook, conversations via etsy, cards, and even money to support me at this tough time in my life! I also want to thank the wonderful leader of my Etsy team, Beccijo who called me this morning to encourage me. It was good to hear your loving caring voice!

I really appreciate all of you so much, and words can't describe what your kind gestures mean to me!

Our little family will be traveling to New Mexico for the funeral of our beloved Uncle Erasmo. Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we go on this journey.

My Etsy and Artfire shops will remain closed until further notice!


Liebe Lebenskunst said...

Auch wenn ich ganz neu beim Team dabei bin, wollte ich trotzdem mein Beileid aussprechen und ich hoffe dass es Dir bald wieder besser geht!


Kim van Waardenburg said...

have strength!!
Ich Denke an dich! Viel Liebe,

germandolls said...

Thanks, Kim and Angela! Your messages gave me strength while traveling. I thank my new and old friends!