Anyway. I finally got to see the Pi movie. I suppose if I had to sum up in one word what it is about I would say: Hope. Yes, a perfect movie about that topic. So if you are feeling down and sad, see that movie!
So please, be kind to people. And love them for who they are. Red hair, brown hair, dishwater blonde, or gray. I am turning gray. Please, don't discriminate against me because I am getting old!
And here are some great quotes from that movie:
"I had to stop hoping so much that a ship would rescue me. I should not count on outside help. Survival had to start with me. In my experience, a castaway's worst mistake is to hope too much and do too little. Survival starts by paying attention to what is close at hand and immediate. To look out with idle hope is tantamount to dreaming one's life away."
“I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” Yann Martel
I think I will have to read some of Yann Martel's books now.