As I was making this adorable hedgehog dolldress set I showed it to my daughter. She asked me:" What is that animal? A porcupine?" She has never seen a hedgehog in her life. I guess hedgehogs don't live in Colorado. At least I have never seen one around. Now I am wondering if and where they live on the continent. Please, let me know if you have seen one lately. 
In Germany hedgehogs are quite common. I grew up around these cute fellers. I remember our neighbor taking one in one winter. The law said that if you found a hedgehog in fall and it wasn't fat enough(under 500 grams) to survive on his own you could take it in and keep it over the winter.
Too bad I don't have pictures of real hedgehogs. But they sure live on in my memory and imagination. I had lots of fun making the set shown in the pictures...

In Germany hedgehogs are quite common. I grew up around these cute fellers. I remember our neighbor taking one in one winter. The law said that if you found a hedgehog in fall and it wasn't fat enough(under 500 grams) to survive on his own you could take it in and keep it over the winter.
Too bad I don't have pictures of real hedgehogs. But they sure live on in my memory and imagination. I had lots of fun making the set shown in the pictures...