I have been contemplating a new banner for my etsy shop. The old banner I have been using on Etsy, I had originally made for my Ebay shop. Since the person I bought the template from was not in business any more, I clipped, shrunk, and messed with it - until it finally fit in the format that Etsy requires. If you look carefully you can see that the letters are not very tidy...But I loved the font the person had used and could not find it anywhere. Too bad.
I thought it was time for a new shop banner. I am getting a bit tired of the same old same old. But now I find it's not that easy to make your own banner. There is a reason why people get paid for this sort of thing...I will put the three versions up for discussion here. Please, if you have a moment, check them out and tell me your opinion. Which banner do you like best?
1.My Old Banner
2.My Lotta Baby Colorful Banner
3.My Happy Customer Photo Banner
Please, leave a comment and vote for your favorite banner!
found your blog via etsy forums.I think I like a combination of the wording in the first with the photos of the last-good luck with your choices:)
Thanks so much! That really helps. I will work on it some more. Looks like this will take quite a while...
I like #3. Nothing like a happy face to help sell wonderful products.
I like number 3!!!
I rally like the last one best...clean, cute, and easy to read.
Looks like 3 is the definite frontrunner!
I like #3 :) Who doesn't love a happy child?
I agree with the first commenter...I like the look of the last banner but with the wording from the first :)
number #3, love! their joy captures the essence of what you do...
I agree with the first commenter. #3 with the wording of #1.
I agree, I really liked the old, antique look of banner 1, but the babies are good sellers! Use 3...
Number three with letters from number one appears to be the consensus. Anyone here recognize the fond? I really liked the curly letters in GermanDolls part. I searched high and low and cannot identify where it came from. I even did a search on google fondfind once. Without success! =(
can't help with the font, sorry. i do agree with #3 though. i am a sucker for sweet children and their waldorf dolls! ;)
I like #3! But maybe make your title the largest font, and the other lines a little smaller...
number three!
font not fond! I am not so fond of this misspelled font! =) Thanks for not teasing me about it. I fixed it now!
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