Es war eine Mutter
die hatte vier Kinder
den Frühling, den Sommer
den Herbst und den Winter
Der Frühling bringt Blumen
der Sommer den Klee
der Herbst, der bringt Trauben
der Winter den Schnee
This is an old German folksong about the seasons. I loved it as a child and thought it goes so well with this picture of my dresses for the seasons.
In translation:
There once was a mother who had four children
spring, summer,
fall, and winter.
Spring brings flowers
Summer brings clover
Fall brings grapes
Winter brings snow
This song may not make a whole lot of sense to Americans who don't know about the fall grape harvest in Germany...Maybe it would make sense to a Californian? When do they harvest grapes there? Snow might work this year - since a lot of people who never had snow got lots of it this year. Didn't it snow in Georgia?
I am glad I live in Colorado. I love having seasons. I cannot imagine living in a place where the sun is always shining. I miss the grape harvest. But luckily we can go to the pumpkin patch instead. So my dresses are sort of the American version of the seasonal hightlights.
It took me forever to make this collage of my pocketdolls. Hope you enjoy it!
Inspired by Cynthia’s word geekery, I did a little research on the word nest.
I found the following definitions of the word nest in my Webster’s Dictionary :
When you visit The Fairies' Nest, http://thefairiesnest.etsy.com/ the store or her blog, you will feel right at home in her cozy and warm nest. You can tell she worked hard to put these beautiful sites together for your enjoyment. The images of her dolls and her writing, take you right back to your childhood, back to memories of toys and stuffed animals you used to have growing up. Darn’ it! I wish I could go over and see it with my own eyes. But the internet will have to make do for now.
People who are likeminded love to frequent (or nest in) the fairies’ nest. The other day I used the word family to describe our group. I think definition 5 would work nicely,too. I wouldn’t refer to us as objects, but we do fit nicely together, one within the other. All members of the Etsy NaturalKids Team carry the hope that our toys will be like a nest, create some warmth, for the children who receive them, in a world that is often such a cold hard place. We build and create our kid products with fabric, wool, wood, and natural materials. You just can’t build a warm nest out of plastic, can you?
I love the nest you are building, Cynthia! Thanks for sharing the warmth! And what greater name could there be for a toymaker? Seriously, Cyn, I totally envy you for your name. =)
We would all sit there in fear hoping that our essay would not be read out aloud, to be snickered at and ridiculed by the class. Of course, everyone would look around trying to guess whose crappy essay was read. Was someone blushing over there? Sound like the dark Middle Ages of education to you? I sure hope things have changed in German education! Only one time that year did I received an A and was picked to read my essay to the class. That week’s assignment was to write about a family member. I chose to write an essay about my little sister. Growing up in a household with 4 sisters can be a challenge at times. To say the least, I was not always getting along with my sisters. Being number 4 of the lot, I was often jealous of my youngest sister. She stole my spot of being in the limelight coming along 4 years later. Yet, in writing this essay about “Meine Kleine Schwester “ I learned a lot. I realized how much I loved her, despite the jealousy and anger I often felt towards her. As it turns out, of all my sisters, I am closest to my youngest sister, and I have the strongest bond with her these days…
Now what exactly does this have to do with my etsy team? Due to the nature of our profession, which is ruled by female crafters, we are mostly a team made up of women. Our team is like a big family with lots of sisters… Sara, or Woolies, I like to think of as a big, wise, older sister. Beccijo I see as a little sister. I am not really sure why. Maybe it’s because she joined the family later. I don’t really know her age for sure, but I feel she is a lot younger than me. Full of positive energy and the fearlessness of youth, she immediately became a leading member of our team. Beccijo runs our NaturalKids Website with her husband Wade! We are so grateful for that!
I often wonder how she finds the time to do so much work for our team, raise 4 kids, and to make the most amazing wooden play sets and little painted people. Does she ever sleep?
Go check out her store and lovely blog
and take a look around. Planning on a wedding? You will find unforgettable cake toppers – hand painted – to look like you and your spouse to be.
I think anyone, who has moved to a new place, understands this feeling of being cut off from your family, friends, and home. But when you are an immigrant, the pain is multiplied by being cut off from your culture and language.
I traded the big city lights of Berlin for the not so well-lit streets of small town America. Every Christmas I’d run off to Germany and say to my husband: “I hate it here. I want to go back to Germany.” I had a hard time making friends. I felt the looks of people saying:”Here she comes, the oddball German with her accent and strange view of the world.” I felt terribly isolated.
I believe, it was in the spring of 2008, when I first stumbled upon a thread in the etsy forum. In this thread I met Sara – or Woolies. My husband thought it was crazy when I told him one evening that I had to go online to “talk” to my etsy friends. What do you mean by etsy friends? Who are these people? You have never met them. - Yes, I have!
It’s a funny thing about the internet. You may never see, hear the voice, smell, or touch a person – yet you can meet them and feel close to them just the same. You may even get to know them better than your next door neighbor…
On that memorable thread I met Sara – or Woolies – as the team members all lovingly refer to her. She has two esty shops. My favorite is of course: http://www.woolies.etsy.com/ .When you are having a bad day, you may want to take a look at her creations: Knitted, stuffed, warm, and fuzzy animals.
Sara has always been the person I could turn to when I was having a rough day – comforting - like a stuffed animal friend to a child. Does that sound weird? It's even better to have someone you can talk to about your troubles (on and off-line) who will talk back to you! Thanks so much for being there, Sara!
I learned a lot of things about Sara. I know she lives in Arizona and loves horses. Hence I added pictures of her real and knitted horses to this post. I know that she loves her family very much, and works in advertising. I know of her daily struggles and worries about money and the kids future. We have even visited on the phone. Since she has never been able to come over for dinner, I asked her what her favorite food was: She said ice cream.
Please, check out her two lovely shops on etsy. And don't forget to stop by her blog and leave a comment!