In my opinion the most important part of a Waldorf style doll is the head. The head needs to be the perfect size for your doll. If it is too big or too small your doll will not look right. In order to achieve a successful doll you must get the proportions right! I guess being trained as a painter and taking lots of "life" drawing classes, has helped me immensely with this aspect of doll making. After all, dolls are just imitations of the human body, usually the child sized body. When you look at a painting with human figures, you'll probably find the one with the right proportions more beautiful and pleasing to the eye. I believe the same is true for dolls.
If you have ever made a Waldorf doll you probably know how much work it is to make a doll head from scratch. The ingredients and tools used are rather simple: a strong kind of thread or string, floss, cleaned carded sheep's wool, a piece of stretchy cotton tubing, scissors,doll maker's needle.
It takes me about an hour to make a good head. I admit it is not my favorite part of doll making. In fact I like to make heads only about once every couple months. I call it my head making day or fest. I will make between 8-10 heads in a session - usually spread out over two days. I find that making a number of heads at a time improves the quality. With each head I get more into the grove until they finally become effortless and perfectly even.
Here are some pictures of my latest "headfest". I had fun arranging them in different ways.
I like to make a batch of heads at a time too...actually I'll be making heads tomorrow...and singing, "here in the hall of heads, this is my favorite one!" :)
Too bad we can't get together and make heads. That would be so much fun! Hope you take some pictures to show off!
What a great idea, I always make one head at a time and wish I could skip that part and get to the "making doll pretty part!"
HA! I have heads all over the house too! I thought I was the only one.
Just the right thing for halloween. Maybe we should add some legs and arms...LOL
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