Or would you like to go on a hike to the woods for some mushrooms. Please don't eat the toadstools, though...They look delicious but are only for decoration.

I have been making a lot of doll shoes lately. It is so much fun! Wool felt is such a wonderful material. It is soft and pliable and comes in so many colors. I have quite the collection of colors. I get kind of sad when I run out of a favorite color...
Check out my rainbow of shoes! My hands were quite sore after making them. But wasn't it worth it?

Once the raw shoe is finished they are decorated by needlefelting a design on them. It can be anything from a piece of fruit, piggies, a bunny...I love to match the new Kwaii fabrics in my stash. They are the cutest material on earth. If you want to know more about them, please read my previous blog entry on Japanese fabrics.
Needlefelting is an amazing craft. If you have lots of time on your hand you should try it. The limit is your imagination. Just make sure you have good eye-sight and a magnifying glass, for some of those details will make you blind. =)
I hope you enjoyed my happy shoe rainbow!
Your German Dollmaker