Woe is me! I lost all the pictures I had taken in 2009. The rest was luckily saved on a CD. When things started getting funky my dear husband backed up - EVERYTHING! What a smart guy I married!
Still I lost quite a bit of information and all the pictureS I had taken in January of this year.
But I feel so lucky to have a husband who is good with technology. The poor guy. After talking to his computer person at the university he figured out what to do. I don't know what it was. It is all a great mystery to me. To me a computer is nothing more than a advanced typewriter. I use it that way. =)
It took the DH another day of cursing like a sailor...
I am hoping it will last this time....Please keep your fingers crossed! So I am posting these pictures just in case...First a new Valentine's Day doll. Sweet Girl, isn't she?
The other picture shows some new needlefelted gnomes I have been working on.
I love needlefelting! So much fun!
What do you think of the new couple? I hear that gnomes always have twins for children. So guess what I will make next?