Finally I managed to add some new Christmas dolls to my store! I am so proud of this year's new Gingerbread Girl. I love her sweet face and wheat colored hair. I made it of a lovely Italian mohair that is just just so soft and wonderful!
I am also happy that I got to use my felting needles for this project. I take the needles along when I go to the endless Nutcracker Practices that my daughter is in. She was chosen yet again to be a parrot in this year's perfomance. So I have time to stab away and made the cute little gingerbread man. Hope he doesn't run away! I'd cry my eyes out with all the work that went into this little guy...

I still have to make a number of custom items. I have not managed to catch up on them all but I am working down my list. But here and there I must create things of MY OWN. It is hard to be a slave to custom orders. Sometimes one just has to be free and create what one wants...
Like this little guy you see below.
I made this cute boy doll Walker. I fashioned him after the son of friends. Love his wilde mop of hair. He is so cute the children want to keep him...But one has to make a living.